
School Rules & Regulations

Rules And Regulations (Primary) To be followed strictly

  • Student and their parents should observe punctuality which is an important aspect of personality development. The children should be left in school fifteen minutes before the class schedule and should be picked up within fifteen minutes after the class schedule. If due to unforeseen circumstances, a student is not been picked up on time, AO should be informed. The School authorities will not be responsible for the students who are left in school much before /after school hours.
  • Before coming to school , the child must be trained to attend the call of nature, brush his/her teeth, bathe, eat a nutritious breakfast and be dressed neatly in clean and ironed prescribed uniform. All seasonal clothing such as sweater, scarves, raincoats, lunch bags etc., should have tags or names embroidered on them. The school will not be responsible for the loss of any nameless articles.
  • Parking inside the school compound is permitted only till the barriers near gate 2.
  • Children must not be sent to school with toys, money, ornaments etc. The school will not be responsible if any of these articles are lost. Fee money must not be given to children. Children those who avail canteen facility can bring money with a note from parents in their Almanac.
  • The lunch box of the child should be packed neatly and separately with towels and should not be put with the school bag as it might spoil the books. Kindly ensure that the lunch box is filled with balanced diet.
  • Visits by parents during school hours are not allowed. Incharges /Relationship manager / AO are available for consultation from 2:00 pm to 3:00 pm. If there is any unsolved issue even after meeting with Relationship manager /AO/In charges Parents can meet principal by taking a prior appointment from relationship manager or AO between 12 noon to 1 pm on all the working days.
  • Parents are requested not to consult any teachers during working hours.
  • Complaints if any, must be clearly written and signed and presented to the In charges and Relationship manager.
  • Children who are sick should not be sent to school. Children suffering from infectious diseases should not be sent to school, until they are completely cured and a doctor’s certificate is obtained.
  • Parents/guardians must check the Diary/Year book and sign it daily.
  • Student will not be permitted to leave the school premises during class, lunch or P.T. hours, Students will be severely dealt with if they disobey this rule.
  • Parents are earnestly requested to co-operate with the school in enforcing regularity and discipline, seeing that their wards wear the prescribed uniform, prepare their lessons and take an active interest in the activities of school.
  • Parents are requested to check the dairy /year book everyday. Please sign remarks, progress reports and observations on the pupils conduct.
  • Parents are specially requested to notify the school of any change in their address or telephone numbers.
  • After repeated instances of leave or absence of the parents are requested to meet the Relationship manager / AO/ Incharges. The same rule holds good for Teacher’s remarks, and also with regards to uniform/ Late attendance record.
  • Parents are requested not to enter the classrooms or making telephone calls to contact their children or any other children or teachers during school hours. Parents should meet the teachers only during PTM.
  • Please do not physically or verbally abuse any students of the school, in or out of the school campus. Management has all the right to take any action against such person.
  • Students must assemble in the assembly hall or ground for prayer 5 minutes before the first bell rings. There after long bell rings for prayer assembly. Prayers must be said with respect and devotion.
  • The school is your second home, so take special care of the school property & furniture. A student of RWS School must distinguish himself/herself within and outside the school by his / her exemplary discipline and courteous behavior.
  • During class hours absolute silence must be kept along the corridors by all.
  • Running, playing or shouting inside the school building is not allowed.
  • Students are expected to speak in English always in the school campus.
  • Students are not allowed to bring any sharp instruments, valuables, electronic games, cellular phones etc. to the school.
  • The entrusting of a student to the school implies that the parents agree to abide by the rules and regulations and decision of the school.
  • Parents are specially requested to read the rules carefully and see that they are followed.
  • Parents cannot meet their wards during lunch time. They may leave the labeled lunch bag by 10:00 am at the security room near gate.
  • Parents are expected to pay the school fees before the due date.

Rules And Regulations (VI and Above) To be followed strictly

  • Students shall attend the school only in the prescribed uniform.
  • The uniform shall be clean, full and well pressed. Students improperly dressed and not in full uniform will not be permitted to enter the class. Proper uniform includes decent haircut for boys. Only black leather shoes should be used by all students.
  • Students shall attend the morning assembly without delay.
  • Every student shall bring with him/her the text books / LR and notebooks required for the periods of the day. No book other than the prescribed books shall be brought to school.
  • Home assignments shall be done neatly and regularly and submitted on the due date.
  • Student shall not litter their classes and in the school premises. Waste papers must be thrown in the litter bins.
  • Inattentiveness, indifference to studies , discourtesy towards staff or any act which affects the tone and discipline of the school will be viewed seriously.
  • The students behavior shall be decent and gentlemanly at all times and in all places both inside and outside the school. Loud talking and shouting is strictly prohibited.
  • No student shall disturb classes at work on flimsy grounds like borrowing or returning books, pens and pencils, etc.
  • Students will not be permitted to leave the class rooms during the working hours on excuses like drinking water.
  • Students shall handle school property with the utmost care.
  • Students are prohibited from wearing costly jewellery while at school, gold ornaments of any type, however small, should be avoided.
  • Students shall not ride bicycle inside the campus. They shall dismount at the gate and park the cycles locked in the cycle stand. Students should avoid lending cycles to others.
  • Students are not permitted to use motor cycles, bikes, etc.
  • All vehicles should be kept under lock and key. The school is not responsible for protection against theft or damage. The enclosed stand will be opened only at the stroke of the bell.
  • Student shall not be allowed to play or run inside the classrooms or corridors.
  • Attendance of National Days like independence days and republic days is compulsory, Absence without prior approval will be viewed very seriously and may invite drastic disciplinary action.
  • Every child should and must possess the school diary/Year book. The diary / Year book should be brought to class every day. It can be preserved as a memento and students will really cherish it if they maintain it properly. This diary / Year book shall be submitted to the principal once in the three months on the dates notified for her inspection. If it is lost by chance a new one should be purchased from school office by remitting its cost.
  • Every pupil must be punctual to class. Late comers must not enter the class without late attendance record signed. Seeking the permission for leave is compulsory.
  • Students absenting themselves from an examination without grave reason will be considered as having failed. Students absenting from any examination for any reason whatsoever will not be re-examined. The marks obtained in the quarterly, half yearly, mid terms and the annual examinations will be considered for promotion.
  • No absentee should enter the class without the written permission of the principal or the class teacher.
  • Irregular attendance, habitual idleness, neglect of homework, disobedience and disrespect towards members of the staff or bad moral influence justify dismissal. Students are responsible to the school authorities for their conduct both in and outside the school.
  • It is forbidden to write or scribble on the black Boards, wall, and desks or throw paper in the classroom, or in any way damage the school properties. Damage done must be paid for according to the discretion of the principal.
  • Students are responsible for their own books, stationeries, cycles, Tiffin carriers and other articles they bring to school.
  • Students are strictly forbidden to bring Transistors, walkman, i–pods or cell phones digital/smart watches to school. Analog watch is allowed.
  • Introducing any sort of comics or objectionable print or visual media will be punished by suspending or even removing the student from the school.
  • Using filthy language is an offence against public decency and students using filthy language will be immediately suspended from the school for week. Such students will not be allowed to participate in any extracurricular activity. They will not be also eligible for any other award.
  • Every student must take part in school games and sport activities unless declared physically unfit or exempted by the principal.
  • Only English should be spoken with in the school premises. After three warnings, the erring students will be asked to bring their parents for an explanation.
  • Pupils are not allowed to meet parents or visitor or to leave the school premises during class hours.
  • Student will not be allowed to go out during lunch hour.
  • Students must be very serious about doing home work, submitting assignments and involving in project work.
  • Progress report will be given to the parents after each major examination .Parents or guardians are requested to examine the progress report carefully and see that their wards make special efforts to study those subjects in which they are weak.
  • Parents are expected to co-operate in the work of the school by enforcing regularity and discipline and by taking a keen interest in their child’s progress. They should check the diary for any remark and note the homework, project work or assignment set in the classroom.
  • Parents are requested not to enter the classroom or speak to the teachers during the class hours Parents who seek information or wish to make some complaint should do so to the Relationship Manager/AO/Incharges/FOE and not to the teachers. In case of necessity the parents may meet the Relationship Manager/AO/Incharges between 2:00 pm to 3:00 pm.
  • Parents cannot meet their ward during lunch time. They may leave the labeled lunch bag by 10:00am at security room.
  • No half-a-day leave is entertained.
  • The entrusting of a student to the school implies that the parents agree to abide by the rules and regulations and decision of the school.
  • Parents are specially requested to read the rules carefully and see that they are followed.
  • Parent’s phone calls will be entertained by Relationship manager on 9760420251 between 7:40am to 4:00pm.
  • Transport calls will be entertained by transport incharge on 8923974127 between 6:00am to 6:00 pm.